Since 2012, Corinthia Hotels has been in partnership with the water-aid charity, Just a Drop. Just a Drop has been operating since 1998 and has completed projects in 32 different countries. The charity pride themselves on making a real impact to the everyday lives of people across the globe and they have given 1.5 million people safe water and sanitation so far with their charitable work.

With the support of Corinthia Hotels over 40,000 people have been helped, through seven different initiatives spanning three different countries. Corinthia Hotels is proud to have such a strong partnership that really makes a difference.

“Across the years, Corinthia Hotels has worked with Just a Drop to bring safe water and hygiene to over 40,000 people, which is a fantastic achievement. It’s clear that Corinthia is making a huge contribution to improving lives across the world. At Buwambo Primary School, the children there are thriving, they are bright and positive, the whole school environment has changed for the better, we’re incredibly grateful for this support”, says Just a Drop founder and chairman, Fiona Jeffery.

 “The results have positively touched the lives and futures of so many. We are pleased to continue our work with the Just a Drop team, which has become a benchmark for the travel industry in caring for the very communities around the world that host our guests,” says Corinthia Hotels founder and chairman, Alfred Pisani.

Buwambo Primary School and St Mark’s Primary School, both in Uganda, are two of the beneficiaries of Corinthia Hotels-funded projects. The pupils in each school now benefit from water storage tanks, as well as latrines and hand wash stations. The students also completed dedicated hygiene education sessions.

Other successful projects include providing safe water to Namwaba and Nkoloko villages in Zambia. With Corinthia’s support, Just a Drop drilled boreholes in each village and provided hygiene education, ensuring that the 650 people now have access to safe water all year round.

Most recently, Corinthia Hotels supported Just a Drop to provide menstruation education to 12 schools across Uganda. The project helped 530 girls increase their understanding of safe practices and also taught them how to make reusable sanitary towels. The training extended to 285 boys and 69 parents and teachers in order to educate everyone on this important topic.

As Corinthia Hotels expands upon its corporate social responsibility efforts, 2020 will see a continuation of the partnership with Just a Drop. The next proposed project involves bringing safe water and hygiene management to 1,140 people in Cambodia.